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2049 results for: aseptic pumps

Ametek consolidates, creating new Advanced Motion Solutions division

Ametek, Inc. (Berwyn, Pa.; has consolidated its industry-leading motors,…

Achema 2009 Doesn’t disappoint

On Sunday morning before the start of Achema 2009 (May…

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Unlocking Hydraulic Limits in a Revamp

Follow the practical tips discussed here to accelerate hydraulic revamp…

Modularization Finds New Roles

As benefits become apparent, the acceptance of modular process systems…

Reduce Risk and Cost with a Lifecycle Approach to Process Safety

Better upfront planning and management can lead to safer, more…

New metering pump is said to be pulsation-free

New Hydra-Cell P700 Series metering pumps feature a hydraulically balanced,…

New, higher-capacity pump for sand and slurry dewatering

The new KB220 pump (photo) operates at flowrates up to…

Plant Revamps and Turnarounds: Some Lessons Learned

A plant turnaround is always challenging in the chemical process…

Abengoa to construct large reverse-osmosis desalination plant in Saudi Arabia

Abengoa S.A. (Seville, Spain; has been selected, in a…

A smart seal for screw pumps

Allseal consists of an opto-electronic sensor that detects wear of…