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2049 results for: aseptic pumps

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A smart app for pump monitoring

At Achema 2015 (June 15–19; Frankfurt, Germany), KSB AG (Frankenthal,…

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‘Cool’ amine process improves H2S absorption

A novel process for removing hydrogen sulfide from natural gas…

Newsfront: Capturing CO2

With last month’s proclamation by President-elect Barack Obama that his…

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Making crude oil from coal, without mining or combustion

An underground coal-to-liquids (UCTL) technology is undergoing pilot testing at…

More For Your Money

    Portable and fixed detectors for toxic and flammable…

FDA Form 483: Minimizing FDA Inspection Citations

As an owner or manager of a company whose product…

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A one-step process for extracting oil from algae…

Algae offer a ubiquitous, renewable source of oil for fuels…

A new controller lets you empty drums automatically

The ViscoFlux mobile drum-emptying system has been further developed and…

Level Monitoring and Control

Acoustics-based device monitors uneven topography The BinMaster 3D Level Scanner…

Monetizing coke-oven gas, while capturing CO2

A process that converts process gases, generated during the production…