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7906 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

Focus on Sensors

Sensor-fusion technology boosts predictive maintenance This company introduced new sensor-fusion…

Show Preview: Weftec

This year’s Weftec technical exhibition and conference ( is taking…

Lummus launches PFAS analytical services

Lummus Technology (Houston) announced new analytical services for per- and…

Solenis makes acquisitions in the U.S. and Norway

Solenis (Wilmington, Del.) announced two acquisitions this week, Aqua ChemPacs,…

Selecting Valves for Hydrogen Service

With hydrogen’s evolution into an alternative fuel requiring precise production…

Member Exclusive

Sliding Vane Pumps

Sliding vane pumps offer a potent processing option for low-viscosity…

Focus on Valves

Ensure plant safety with this aseptic valve technology This company…

PKN ORLEN has completed the Olefin II revamping project, an…

H.B. Fuller acquires ND Industries

H.B. Fuller Company (St. Paul, Minn.), the biggest pureplay adhesives…

Momentive Technologies acquires alumina and silica businesses in South Korea

Advanced materials provider Momentive Technologies (Strongsville, Ohio) has completed the…