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7913 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

Baker Hughes to supply compressors for Snam’s hydrogen-ready pipeline project

Baker Hughes (Houston) was awarded a contract to be booked…

Magnetic-Drive Positive-Displacement Pumps for Chemical Processing Applications

Advances in sliding-vane and internal-gear seal-less pump technologies can provide…

Metso launches new technology solution for cathode manufacturing

Metso Corp. (Espoo, Finland) is launching the Metso pCAM plant,…

Lithium Landscape: Activity is Charging Forward in the U.S.

Across several regions of the U.S., new lithium projects are…

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Hydrogen Production via Methane Pyrolysis: An Overview of ‘Turquoise’ Hydrogen

‘Turquoise’ hydrogen processes generate H2 without releasing CO2. Presented here…

This temperature transmitter has Ethernet-APL

The new iTEMP TMT86 two-channel temperature head transmitter (photo) has…

Repsol begins large-scale production of renewable fuels in Cartagena

Repsol S.A. (Madrid, Spain) announced the start of large-scale production…

Messer Group commissions nitrogen plant in Hungary

Messer Group GmbH (Bad Soden, Germany) has built a nitrogen…

Lummus and Advanced Ionics establish partnership for green hydrogen production

Lummus Technology (Houston), announced a new partnership with Advanced Ionics…

Wood awarded FEED contract for hydrogen fuel-switching project

Wood plc (Aberdeen, Scotland) has been awarded the front-end engineering…