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7884 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

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Steam Reforming Honeywell International Inc. (Charlotte, N.C.; and ZoneFlow…

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Unlocking the commercial feasibility of graphene-based water sensors

A new, non-intrusive screening method developed by researchers from the…

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Solar cells integrated into car hoods

In recent years, some car manufacturers have developed vehicles that…

Unipetrol Enhances Operational Stability with Advanced Combustion Control

A heater assessment study at an olefins plant led to…

Veolia to develop biological hydrolysis system at State College, Pa.

Veolia (Paris) has been selected by the University Area Joint…

Raízen and Vertoro collaborating to enhance lignin valorization

Raízen S.A. (São Paulo, Brazil) and Vertoro (Geleen, the Netherlands)…

Cepsa selects Siemens Energy’s PEM technology for 100-MW of electrolysis capacity for the Andalusian Green Hydrogen Valley

Cespa (Madrid, Spain) has selected Siemens Energy AG (Munich, Germany)…

BASF sells its bioenergy enzymes business to Lallemand

BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany) has sold its bioenergy enzymes business…

Syensqo to open North America’s largest PVDF production plant to serve energy-storage applications

Syensqo broke ground on its future battery-grade polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) facility…

Show Preview: Connected Plant Conference

The seventh annual Connected Plant Conference ( — presented by…