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7903 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

Chevron Phillips commissions new polyethylene units at Old Ocean, Texas

Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC (The Woodlands, Tex.; announced…

Waste Heat Recovery Methods And Technologies

Waste heat recovery (WHR) is essential for increasing energy efficiency…

Biodegradation and Testing of Scale Inhibitors

Water systems are common in the chemical process industries (CPI).…

UOP flare testing facility inaugurated in Oklahoma

Honeywell UOP (Des Plaines, Ill.; announced that its Callidus…

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Filtration Testing and Slurry Conditioning

Testing in filtration processes is critical for determining the properties…

Computer models reduce need for real-world testing

Accurate simulations can replace many experiments and plant field tests…

Toxicity under the microscope

Last month, two significant cracks were found in the cornerstones…

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This hybrid power-generation system combines SOFC and a gas turbine

Last month, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS; Yokohama, Japan;…

Endress+Hauser and Rockwell Automation open first joint European test center

As a manufacturer in process automation, there are many options…

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Photochemical Processes in Stirred Tank Reactors

A general overview of industrial photochemistry and the design of…