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7905 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

The Changing Face of Gas Analysis

Calibration-free, modular and automated gas analyzers offer benefits to the…

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Flame Retardants: Safety is the Key

Producers continue to improve the performance of their flame retardants…

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Alarm Management By the Numbers

Deeper understanding of common alarm-system metrics can improve remedial actions…

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The Sensitive Side of Chemical Processing

As in almost all other aspects of producing chemicals, processors…

P-recovery on the move

Unlike fossil fuels or precious metals, phosphorus has no alternatives…

AEC PowerFlow’s Brad Buecker reviews the Nalco Water Handbook 3rd ed.

The Nalco Water Handbook, 3rd ed. By Daniel Flynn. McGraw…

Primetals Technologies receives final acceptance for new secondary dedusting system in Linz

voestalpine Stahl GmbH has given Primetals Technologies Ltd. (London, U.K.;…

A commercial debut for a new process that removes phosphates and nitrogen from wastewater

Paques B.V. (Balk, Netherlands; has developed a cost-effective biological…

Chemical-resistant fume hoods that require no bolts or screws

UniFlow AireStream Fume Hoods (photo) are constructed entirely of chemical-resistant,…

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A mag-drive pump that handles suspended solids

In critical pumping applications involving toxic or expensive products, the…