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7905 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

Producing Solar Process Heat with Fresnel Collectors in the CPI

Thermal energy accounts for around 70% of industry’s final energy…

Feature Report: Green Engineering and the Design of Chemical Processes and Products

Chemical products and processes make modern life possible. The systems…

The Next Step Change in Process Safety

From plastics and synthetics to fertilizers and fuel, the general…

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Steam Management: Don’t Send Money Down the Drain

    Energy consciousness and environmental awareness have transformed condensate…

Mixing in the spotlight

Pressure to become more flexible and provide shorter cycle times…

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The Benefits of Seal-less Pumps for Full Product Containment

In cases where full containment of dangerous and hazardous chemicals…

Global Energy Future: The 300-year Outlook

In the long run (a few hundred years, perhaps) humans…

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Get the Most From High-temperature Heat-transfer-fluid Systems

      Although water and steam are the ideal…

Consider the advantages of electrochemical O2 analysis

Realtime monitoring of the oxygen concentration in waste gas plays…

Combined Heat and Power for the CPI: Modern Concepts

The continuing development of natural gas extraction from shale deposits,…