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7905 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

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Polymer-Based Piping Systems in the CPI

Polymeric piping systems have been used in well-defined segments of…

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CPVC Piping In Chemical Environments: Evaluating the Safety Record

There are many considerations when choosing piping materials for an…

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Crossover Applications for the ASME-Bioprocessing Equipment Standard

Because the global chemical process industries (CPI) encompass so many…

The Maturation of a Technology: Predictive Emissions Monitoring

    Air pollution is monitored by many different regulatory…

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Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers: The Design Cycle

Following this step-by-step approach will ensure that the heat exchanger…

Simplifying the Use of Pipe-flow Friction-Factors

The Nikuradse-Prandtl-von Karman (NPK) equation is the most widely used…

Water reuse and recycling: Taking the Plunge

Globally, water reuse and recycling are not uncommon — with…

Petroleum refining in the spotlight

Motorists filling up at U.S. gasoline stations these days may…

The Biogas Boom

It probably isn’t going to solve all the world’s energy…

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The Unexpected Rewards of Testing a Mixer

Among all the engineers who will be involved in the…