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7899 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

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ThyssenKrupp combines capabilities in plant technology  

As part of its strategic way forward, ThyssenKrupp AG (Essen,…

Newsfront: The Heat Is On

As the price of electricity, natural gas and other fossil…

This oxygen analyzer is compact and accurate

The XTP601 is a new, compact oxygen analyzer for applications…

Control safe O2 levels in reactor head space with this sensor

The XTP601 oxygen sensor is ideal for accurately monitoring the…

Rules of Thumb For Pneumatic Conveying Pipelines

Quite often, during the design of conveying systems, not enough…

Remote Thermal Sensing

By making it easy to detect heat anomalies, thermal cameras…

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Chementator: New solid-state heat engine cycles H 2 through MEA like a fuel cell    

Johnson ElectroMechanical Systems, Inc. (Atlanta, Ga.; in conjunction with…

Increase Productivity Through Better Gas-Liquid Mixing  

    Mixing is one of the oldest unit operations…

Optimizing Flare Operation Through Proper Design

Flare problems are often caused by the seal systems that…

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Project Optimization Through Engineering

In the face of intense market pressures, companies are increasingly…