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7899 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

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Pneumatic Conveying: Before Stepping the Line, Look Into Air Extraction

Successively larger diameters downstream can raise problems. Physical removal of…

Member Exclusive

Tank Coatings: Covering the Basics of Selection and Specification

The interior surfaces of your storage tanks are constantly at…

Dust Control in the Chemical Processing Industries

Dust in the chemical processing industries (CPI) is present in…

Considering Fugitive Emissions During the Conceptual Design Stage

The ability to reduce fugitive emissions through the use of…

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Water-saving strategies for the CPI

Reducing freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge at large petroleum-refining and…

Piping-System Leak Detection and Monitoring for the CPI

Leaks in a chemical process industries (CPI) facility can run…

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Chementator: Converting trees into biodegredation plants

Large tracts of land that have been used for military…

Thawing CPI Job Market spurs Hires

Engineers and others working in the chemical process industries (CPI)…

Save time and water with this tank-cleaning machine

The new TJ40G rotary tank-cleaning machine (photo) uses a high-impact…

Efficient structures – rapid development: Automated formulation development saves time and reduces cost

Efficient formulation development leads to up to 60 % time…