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7923 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

Single-use mixers now available for large volumes

The Flexel for Magnetic Mixers product range now includes two…

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Commercialization is set for a cellulose-to-ethanol process

What is billed as the first commercial-scale plant to produce…

Single-use harvesting for high-cell-density cultures

Sartoclear Dynamics is a clarification system featuring new single-use technology…

Siemens designs sinter plant for Ukranian steel producer EMZ

Siemens Metals Technologies (Linz, Austria; has received an order…

World’s largest single-train methanol-to-olefins plant now operating

Honeywell today announced that Jiangsu Sailboat Petrochemical Company, Ltd. has…

Show Preview-Interphex 2016

Taking place April 26–28 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center…

Air Liquide divests some U.S. assets to Matheson Tri-Gas

Air Liquide(Paris, France; has entered into an agreement to…

Linde signs agreement for nitrogen expansion in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), has signed a memorandum…

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Revamping Your Process Plant

When a process plant is set up, an owner has…

Dual-rate pump combines two syringe pumps in a single device

The Gemini 88 Plus dual-rate syringe pump (photo) provides two…