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7915 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

Pace of growth slows for leading economic indicator for second consecutive month, ACC says

The Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB), a leading economic indicator created…

Rupture Discs: Effectively Minimize Leaks and Emissions

When installing rupture discs, there are several mechanical and operational…

An Ethernet switch for harsh environments

This company now offers a five-port Ethernet switch with IP67…

Rupture discs now available in Iconel  

This company has expanded its Atlas rupture-disc product line to…

Member Exclusive

Using Rupture Disks with Pressure Relief Valves

Protecting process systems from overpressurization is a critical task in…

Consultant Almasi reviews gas-turbine book

Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook. 4th ed. By Meherwan P. Boyce.…

Refrigerants: New Rules Reinforce Innovation

As new regulations take effect, familiar refrigerants are being phased…

Chemical equities slip, industry contracts in July, weekly ACC report says

The chemical industry was one manufacturing sector that reported contraction…

Member Exclusive

Heuristics Rules for Process Equipment

    Provided that they are updated when appropriate to…

U.S. CPRI slipped by 0.3% in April, ACC says

According to the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;,…