The American Chemistry Council’s (ACC; Washington, D.C.; Global Chemical…
More than 28 member facilities will receive 2014 Performance Improvement…
This new tank-washing nozzle made from PTFE delivers a slow-moving,…
Polyethylene (PE) is the world’s largest-volume commodity polymer. Along with…
DuPont (Wilmington, Del.; announced a comprehensive titanium dioxide expansion…
The Field Xpert SMT70 (photo) is a rugged tablet for…
Pemex Refinación (Huasteca, Mexico; has awarded to a consortium formed…
DuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Products, LLC (, a joint…
Featuring a short shaft and a folding propeller that is…
Haldor Topsøe A/S (Lyngby, Denmark; says that Qinghua, the…