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7913 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

LS9 fatty alcohol demonstration facility starts up in Florida

LS9, Inc. (South San Francisco, Calif.; a technology leader…

Slash silo mixing times with this open mixing screw

A company in Hamburg, Germany had been using a 20-m3…

BASF and Markor start up polytetrahydrofuran plant in China

BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany; and Xinjiang Markor Chemical Industry…

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September chementator briefs

  Worlds largest PDH unit Lummus Technology (Bloomfield, N.J.), a…

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September Chementator Briefs

Phosgenation scaleup At the end of July, Bayer MaterialScience AG…

U.S. chemical manufacturing reports expansion in September, ACC report notes

The chemical industry in the U.S. was one of the…

U.S. chemical industry production rises in September, ACC says

Overall production in the U.S. chemical industry rebounded in September,…

Global chemical production soft at start of 4th quarter, ACC says

The American Chemistry Council’s (ACC; Washington, D.C.; Global Chemical…

September Bookshelf

Handbook of Chemical Technology and Pollution Control. Third Edition. By…

Flowmeter Selection

When a flowmeter is needed, the selection process should include…