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7913 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

Engineering Software Makes the Leap From the Masters to the Masses

    Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all engineering software…

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MoU to market tri-generation, stationary fuel-cell power plants  

Air Products (Lehigh Valley, Pa.; and FuelCell Energy, Inc.…

New Products & Services (North American edition)

Moderate sample temperatures with this unit The EcoTherm Model IC35…

Clean Harbors buys Veolia Environmental Services North America

Veolia North America, Inc.’s (Boston, Mass.; subsidiary Veolia Environmental…

Seals and gaskets, at your service

In today’s global marketplace, multinational companies are almost expected to…

Rotary actuators for internal valves in LPG service

  Emerson Process Management The Fisher P700 series rotary actuators…

U.S. specialty chemical market growth eases in May, ACC says

The American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.; reported today…

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Valves for Extreme Service

To meet the needs of the chemical process industries, new…

Batch Control: Controller- Versus Server-Based Sequencers

When designing a batch system, engineers often select the control…

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Startup for a new coal-gasification process

IHI Corp. (IHI; Tokyo, has commissioned its first prototype…