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7913 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

Total inaugurates special fluids facility in Bayport, Tex.

Total S.A. (Paris; has officially inaugurated the production of…

Total and partners work to accelerate digitalization in industry

In late June, Total (Paris; announced the launch of …

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The Linde Group expands gases supply in Ningbo

The Linde Group (Munich, Germany; has entered into two…

The loss of a ChE icon

      James R. Fair October 14, 1920 –…

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Construction to begin on biomass-to-fuels facility

Construction is set to begin on a biorefinery in Oregon…

Compact Reaction for Viscous Mixtures Offers Powerful Stirring

Viscous reaction mixtures often require more powerful stirring than can…

Large propylene production unit starts up in Russia

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill;, a Honeywell company, says…

Large propylene production unit starts up in Russia

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill;, a Honeywell company, says…

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Shedding Light on Microreactors

Traditionally, most students have learned about chemical reactions in laboratories…

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September Literature Reviews

No More Guessing! Measure Color For Optimal Quality. The UltraScan…