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7897 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

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Gas-Phase Filtration Media Properties: What to Know

There are many physical properties that can impact the ultimate…

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Communication Technologies for Throttling Valve Control

Closed-loop control performance depends on the dynamic response of the…

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A touch of gold makes a swell absorbent foam

The properties of gold nanoparticles could be combined with those…

These burner valves now have TÜV approval

The Jamesbury series 7000/9000 flanged ball valve are automated shutoff…

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Estimating the Total Cost of Cartridge and Bag Filtration

Bag filters for industrial applications have been in existence longer…

CarboSurf project kicks off to bring new biobased biosurfactants & carbohydrates to the market

  Today, the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU;…

ISE Group, Total and SunPower start up the Nanao Solar Power Plant in Japan

ISE Group (Tokyo, Japan), Total S.A. (Paris, France; and…

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Total starts up lubricants plant in Singapore; and more business news

Plant Watch Asahi Kasei to construct production facility for cellulose…

Evaluating and Reducing the Risks Of Pneumatic Pressure Testing

The pressure testing of process piping and vessels is essential…

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Unlocking the Secrets of Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchangers

Plate-and-frame heat exchangers, or plate heat exchangers (PHEs), are a…