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7908 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

An Interview with Martijn Janmaat, President & CEO, BlueCielo ECM Solutions

1. How has globalization affected your customer base and what…

Member Exclusive

Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions signs contracts polyamide 6 plants in China  

Recently, Fujian Jinfeng Technology Co. and Fujian Zhongjin New Material…

FAQs: Solutions for Minimizing Dust Explosion Risks

Prevent Everything from Coal Dust to Sugar Dust Explosions Pneumatic…

Cooling-tower Water: A Hybrid Problem Calls for a Hybrid Solution

Scaling, fouling and corrosion have long been the enemy of…

Bulk Solids: Optimizing Screw Conveyors

Despite their apparent simplicity, the complexity of these conveying systems…

Focus on Engineering Software

More physics means more applications with this CFD software STAR-CCM+…

Handling Bulk Solids

High-level detector has mercury-free tilt switch The patent-pending BM-TSM tilt…

Member Exclusive

Fundamentals of Bulk Solids Mixing and Blending

Mixing and blending of bulk solids is a common processing…

Show Preview: Powder & Bulk Solids Conference/Exhibition

The International Powder & Bulk Solids Conference and Exhibition will…

PTXi / Powder and Bulk Solids Exhibition and Conference Show 2012

The PTXi / Powder and Bulk Solids Exhibition and Conference…