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7908 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

This Water-Jet Lance has a Seal that Lasts Longer

The new NCG8450A-3 rotating water-jet lance has an ultra-high pressure…

Myriant Technologies’ biobased succinic acid facility is selected for $50-million funding 

Myriant Technologies LLC (Quincy, Mass., has been selected by…

Newsfront: Reaching for a Solution  

The chemical process industries (CPI) are subjected to countless environmental,…

Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Technologies

Several carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) processes hold much promise,…

Nidec Corp. completes acquisition of Leroy-Somer and Control Technologies

On January 31, Nidec Corporation completed the acquisition of Leroy-Somer…

Saudi Aramco invests in Siluria Technologies

Siluria Technologies (San Francisco, Calif.; has announced the initial…

Hoerbiger acquires IEP Technologies

  Effective September 1, 2015, Hoerbiger Group (Zug, Switzerland;…

Wireless technologies get better

In the past, words such as “unproven,” “risky” and “expensive”…

Technip awarded contract by Air Products for a H2 plant in Baytown

  Technip (Paris, France; was awarded a contract by…

Technip awarded contract by Air Products for new industrial gas complex in Kochi, India

Technip (Paris, France; has been awarded by Air Products…