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7906 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

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Materials Management — Evolving the Process for an Evolving Marketplace

The case examples presented here show that proper planning, communication…

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The science of droplets

Many chemical engineers study or employ distillation trays, gas-liquid separators…

weftec 2012 the water quality event

  Weftec 2012, the Water Environment Federation’s 85th annual technical…

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Novel gasifier uses liquid copper as the heat source

Liquid copper is employed to gasify wastes in a process…

Global Air-Pollution Regulations: Variation is the Norm

The chemical process industries (CPI) are, by their very nature,…

Air Liquide operates the world’s largest hydrogen storage facility

Air Liquide (Paris, France; has recently commissioned the largest…

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Corrosion: the silent killer

CUI — that acronym should be enough to capture your…

A Practical Spin on Fuel Switching for the CPI

With the buzz around rising fuel costs at an all-time…

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High-temperature process cuts the cost of syngas cleanup

A process that promises a significant reduction in the cost…

The 2017 Kirkpatrick Award

Every other year, Chemical Engineering honors the most-noteworthy chemical engineering…