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7906 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

These flowmeters can be mounted in all positions

The Series DFM flowmeters are used in heating, air-conditioning and…

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Time for action: Support has ended for Windows 2000 in industrial automation

All good things come to an end. And so it…

Mitsui Chemicals commences production at expanded thermoplastic elastomers plant

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Tokyo; has been working on a…

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KBR to supply ROSE Technology for Total’s Antwerp refinery  

KBR (Houston; today announced that it has been selected…

A new range of thermoplastic seals

VarioPur (photo) is a new product range that includes three…

A new IR thermometer for industrial applications

Raytek CM (photo) is a compact, integrated infrared (IR) noncontact…

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Optimizing Analysis for Spray-Drying

Precise control over spray-drying processes can be enabled by modern…

Spray drying by rotary atomization of lithium-ion battery materials

Spray drying has been applied for many years for production…

ACHEMA Trend Report Lab automation: Bright prospects in the lab

 Lab automation enables the efficient handling of tens of thousands…

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Development Speeds up In Catalysis

There might be as many categories of catalysts as there…