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7905 results for: Wide Cone External Mix Air Atomising Nozzles

This space-saving scrubber has a very high throughput

The patented RotaBed fluidized-bed scrubber provides efficient gas mixing and…

This new membrane bioreactor cuts energy costs and boosts throughput

GE Power & Water (Trevose, Penn.; has introduced an…

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Chementator: Starch-based additives improve paper quality, reduces weight

The Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT; Rajamäki; has…

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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the Nobel…

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Sizing, Specifying and Selecting Centrifugal Pumps

Determining the proper preliminary size for centrifugal pumps during the…

This high-pressure regulator has three outlets

The 1201 high-pressure (HP) regulator (photo) is designed to provide…

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Solving Vessel Equations: A Better Way

Calculating the volume of a liquid in a vessel of…

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Heat Exchanger Standards for Shell-and-Tube Equipment

Reliable operation of shell-and-tube heat exchangers begins with an appropriate…

Ensuring a water supply

This past December marked the dedication of the largest seawater…

 EPA: CAA standards for boilers and incinerators

In response to federal court orders requiring the issuance of…