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Saudi Aramco invests in Siluria Technologies

| By Mary Page Bailey

Siluria Technologies (San Francisco, Calif.; has announced the initial close of its Series D financing round. The round was led by Saudi Aramco Energy Ventures (SAEV), the venture investment subsidiary of Saudi Aramco, the world’s leading fully integrated energy and chemical enterprise, and included additional investments by all of the major existing investors in Siluria. The total raise for this initial close of the Series D financing was $30 million.

“We are very pleased to welcome SAEV as a major investor in Siluria, and look forward to exploring opportunities to work together on the strategic front,” said Siluria CEO Ed Dineen. “We are excited to bring additional industry capabilities to our company and our board as we continue to progress towards commercializing our process,” said Siluria Board of Directors Chairman Karl Kurz.
Siluria has developed a catalytic process for transforming natural gas—the most abundant and widely available hydrocarbons on earth—into transportation fuels and commodity chemicals in an efficient, cost-effective, scalable manner using processes that can be seamlessly integrated into existing industry infrastructure. Siluria has created a growing portfolio of process configurations with applications in upstream, midstream gas processing, downstream chemicals production and refining operations.
Recently, Siluria announced a partnership with The Linde Group, a world leading gases and engineering company, to offer an integrated package combining Siluria’s technology with Linde’s separations and recovery systems for licensing to the petrochemical industry at existing ethylene plants or for new world scale ethylene plants. 
With this initial Series D financing, Siluria has raised just under $100 million since its inception. Siluria is currently in discussions with additional strategic and financial investors to complete a total Series D financing of approximately $50 million.