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Rembe offers new service in explosion protection

| By Gerald Ondrey

IMG_2707_AusschnittSince spring 2016, the explosion-protection professionals from Rembe GmbH Safety + Control (Brilon, Germany: offers several new services within the Rembe Test Center: Customers can test the strength of their components or determine the conventional indices of new research materials that have not been previously tested. The functional reliability of components can be determined under explosive conditions, fire tests, arc discharges and pressure tests. The additional services will be of interest to manufacturers of 3-D printing machines, welding equipment and producers, as well as engineering and construction companies building plants for the chemical process industries (CPI), such as those for chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food-and beverage, wood, metals and high-tech industries. The test center can provide useful information on new applications ant processes that are not reflected in current regulations. When required, certifications can be arranged locally with notified bodies. For more information, go to