Praxair, Inc. (Danbury, Conn.;, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Linde plc, has announced it will expand production capacity at its Neosho, Missouri air separation plant. The expansion is in response to the growing demand from customers in southwestern Missouri and neighboring parts of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas in the food, aerospace, electronics, refining, chemicals and other industries. The project is expected to be completed in 2020 and will double capacity at the company’s Neosho facility.
“This investment will strengthen supply reliability and help us meet the future demands of our liquid oxygen and nitrogen customers,” said Andy Sarantapoulas, South Region Vice President of Praxair’s U.S. industrial gas business. “We are proud to be part of the Neosho community and look forward to growing our presence in this region.”
“Our most valuable economic partners are always those companies that have made a long-term commitment to Neosho, and Praxair is just such a company,” said Michael Franks, CEO of Grow Neosho Economic Development. “That commitment made it easy for us to work with Praxair on this expansion project that delivers new capital investment and new jobs to the Praxair facility in the Neosho Industrial Park.”
“We are excited to have Praxair as a long-standing customer and happy they chose Neosho as the location for expanding their operations. Adding jobs and increasing investment in our communities is important to the success of the Neosho area,” said Brent Baker, Vice President of National Customer Experience at Liberty Utilities.