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Powtech Show Preview 2017

| By Chemical Engineering

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Dinnissen Process Technology

Dinnissen Process Technology

Reducing failure costs using virtual reality

This company will be demonstrating its virtual reality (VR) application at Powtech. A small group of engineers is currently working with VR in a research phase. “By applying virtual reality, we let the customer experience the new system without it being constructed. The customer sees exactly what they can expect,” says the company. Because the customer can walk virtually through the installation together with this company’s engineer in the “real environment,” they can already anticipate in the design phase what they will encounter in the realization phase, creating a more complete picture (photo). Bottlenecks become visible even before construction takes place, whereby commissioning times are also shortened. This means that a new plant will produce faster, thus yielding revenues. Maintenance training can also already be done before the installation is finished. Future-oriented maintenance will be the next phase, for which VR offers something extra. That will be the next step, possibly supplemented with augmented reality, says the company. Hall 4, Stand 371 — Dinnissen Process Technology, Sevenum, the Netherlands


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