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Powtech Show Preview 2017

| By Chemical Engineering

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Romaco Group

Romaco Group

This laboratory-scale processor has reduced batch times

The laboratory-scale version of the Innojet Ventilus V 2.5 (photo) is used for granulating, drying and coating particle sizes from 10µm to 2 mm. Due to its special design and enhanced processing efficiency, the Ventilus V 2.5 allows up to 25% shorter batch times, says the company. The homogeneous flow conditions inside the cylindrical product container enable extremely gentle intermixing of the batch. The process air is controlled by the Orbiter booster, which is a unique container bottom consisting of overlapping circular plates. Together with the Rotojet, the central bottom spray nozzle, the Orbiter booster forms an innovative functional unit that meets all the requirements for linear scaleups. The airflow bed technology ensures accurate control of the product movement and equally precise application of the spray liquids. The resulting formulations can achieve the required release profile with between 10 and 15% less spray liquid. Hall 3, Stand 327. — The Romaco Group, Karlsruhe, Germany





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