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Pneumatic conveying seminar is planned

| By Dorothy Lozowski

A seminar devoted to key aspects of pneumatic conveying will be held on Sept. 21–23, at the CycloTech System Proving Facility in York, Neb. The seminar titled "The Theory and Practice of Pneumatic Conveying" will include live demonstrations of full-scale pneumatic conveying systems, as well as roundtable discussions. Sessions will cover topics ranging from the basics of pneumatic conveying to system design, plus hands-on troubleshooting techniques.

The seminar has been planned so that plant supervisors, system designers, process engineers, and potential buyers at all levels of familiarity with pneumatic conveying can benefit from attending. Presenters will be Paul Solt, principal consultant at Pneumatic Conveying Consultants; Joe Marinelli, consultant for Solids Handling Technologies; and Scott Schmid, vice president of engineering for Cyclonaire Corp., a systems provider of pneumatic conveying equipment.

The two-and-half-day seminar covers dilute, semi-dense, and dense phase conveying and features live full-scale demonstrations of all system types in the CycloTech facility. For detailed seminar information and to register, call CycloTech at 1-800-445-0730, or go to