How does Paratherm differ? We drew the differences in a 2-minute video — whiteboard style!
And, for those of you who prefer to read, skim, study, and/or critique the written word, here is the voice-over script…
The beauty of closed-loop hot-oil technology is that it operates simply and uniformly with little of the maintenance intervention required by alternatives like steam or direct heat. But this low-maintenance characteristic of the technology may leave you in the dark about the operating condition of your application, or what to do when shut down — or slowdown — occurs. Paratherm focuses on keeping you involved in every aspect of the care of your system, from the fluid sale and initial fill, to fluid analysis, troubleshooting and preventive maintenance. Paratherm’s experts will help advise you in the selection of the right fluid for your unique circumstances, and their professional fluid analysis will help guide preventive and predictive maintenance to help improve the system’s operation—and extend its operating life. Unplanned downtime with your application can cost you thousands of dollars every hour that you’re not in production. Therefore, Paratherm utilizes a streamlined logistics flow for fast supply when you need an expedited response. We keep our fluids in stock at several locations throughout the country. When you send us an order, we’re typically able to ship it the same day. When issues with your hot-oil system arise, Paratherm’s Technical Services section is ready with probing questions, and then, troubleshooting tips to help get it working again. You can reach someone by phone for technical assistance or an emergency shipment at any time, including evenings and weekends. At Paratherm, thermal fluid is all that we do, so we have to be the best. For more information on our products and services, simply call or visit our website and fill out our online form.”