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Vacuum Measurement Made Easy

| By Chemical Engineering

Finding a vacuum gauge for monitoring chemical processes can be a challenge.  There are few gauges that simultaneously cover the appropriate vacuum range with sufficient accuracy and have the ability to cope with regular exposure to aggressive chemicals.  VACUUBRAND’s VACUU·VIEW™ and VACUU·VIEW extended™ gauges address these needs.

These compact, easy-to-use gauges are designed for long life, even when used in the presence of aggressive chemicals.  The VACUU·VIEW™ gauge is designed for work down to 0.1 torr and the VACUU·VIEW extended™ gauge integrates two sensors in order to cover down to 10-3 torr.  Download the product sheet for additional product information.

The gauges can also be combined with VACUUBRAND’s CVC 3000 vacuum controller and a vacuum valve to achieve process control.

Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about improving measurement and control over your vacuum processes.