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The Big 6 level measurement technologies: Where to use them and why

| By Chemical Engineering


The Big 6 level measurement technologies: Where to use them and why

Anyone who’s ever worn a tool belt knows that sometimes you have to use a tool for something it’s not designed to do. If you don’t happen to have a hammer, a heavy wrench will work in a pinch. But of course, the job will be done more effectively when you use the right tool.

When it comes to measuring the level of materials in a tank or other vessel, there are many tools you can choose from. Some are clearly better suited to certain applications, but in many cases the best level measurement technology for the job can be hard to identify. Understanding the most-common types of fluid level measurement technology will help you make a good choice and select the right measurement tool for the job.

This white paper explores the big 6 level measurement technologies and where each is most applicable. These continuous-level technologies include:

  • Differential Pressure (D/P)
  • Ultrasonic
  • Guided Wave Radar
  • Laser
  • Magnetic level gauges
  • Magnetostrictive

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The Big 6 level measurement technologies: Where to use them and why

Anyone who’s ever worn a tool belt knows that sometimes you have to use a tool for something it’s not designed to do. If you don’t happen to have a hammer, a heavy wrench will work in a pinch. But of course, the

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