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Sure that zero means zero in your zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) process?

| By Chemical Engineering

Due to the scarcity of global water resources and the ever increasing need to protect the environment, zero-liquid discharge is becoming more and more important. ANDRITZ was active in this field long before “ZLD” became the buzzword it is today. As the world’s leading separation specialist, we have a proven track record in dewatering solutions and offer the broadest technology portfolio on the market. We are, therefore, the ideal partner for any ZLD project.    


In the past few years, ZLD has become a popular way to increase the environmental sustainability of industrial plants in a wide variety of different sectors – from the production of chemicals, oil and gas, to the generation of energy. Particularly in regions with a short supply of fresh water, this innovative method has proven to be of great value. ZLD not only reduces the ecological footprint of a plant by eliminating wastewater discharge, but also increases water reuse and allows for the recovery of valuable by-products. In this way, it hel companies to meet stringent wastewater disposal regulations as well as water reuse guidelines, and also improves their public image. 

Picture 1: A typical ZLD process

For the efficiency of each ZLD installation, the last step is crucial: Solid/liquid separation. This is where the precious water is separated from the solids. For each milligram of solids remaining in the water and each percentage of water remaining in the solids, a price has to be paid. Either by the plant operator, who loses valuable material that would have otherwise been reused, or by the environment, if hazardous particles end up being deposited in the brine or valuable water is wasted.


ANDRITZ is your technology provider for reliable dewatering solutions that help you achieve the highest efficiency levels in zero-liquid discharge. Our extensive portfolio includes pusher centrifuges, decanter centrifuges, and filter presses that are ideally suited for ZLD processes and can be perfectly matched to your individual needs. What’s more, we also offer thermal drying systems, pumps, and other utilities.

Each ZLD process and each customer has specific requirements. As ANDRITZ offers a wide range of ZLD-specific products and variants, our experts are able to select the best system for your individual application. As a result, you can profit from a well-proven solution that allows you to achieve the required product recovery rates with the highest possible energy efficiency. In addition, our systems come with a low-maintenance design, which further reduces the total costs.

Picture 2: ZLD process with solid/liquid Separation equipment

ANDRITZ operates fully equipped test centers close to its customers, offering both lab-scale and pilot-scale equipment. Our experienced separation specialists will advise you in detail and help you find the best suited technologies from our wide portfolio. Thanks to our experience with highly corrosive and abrasive environments, you can rest assured that our specialists will choose the right alloy for your equipment.

So with ANDRITZ at your side, you are well equipped to meet all possible requirements. Thanks to our broad range of solid/liquid separation technologies, you can rest assured that you will have the right system for your process and always have equipment that is perfectly adapted to your process conditions.

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Due to the scarcity of global water resources and the ever increasing need to protect the environment, zero-liquid discharge is becoming more and more important. ANDRITZ was active in this field long before “ZLD” became the buzzword it is today. As the world’s leading separation specialist, we have a proven track record in dewatering solutions READ MORE

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