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Partner Insights

Keep your DCS System Secure from Cyberattacks

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
There are many ways a plant process and a control system can be attacked, disrupting production and causing equipment damage or more severe consequences. This whitepaper will focus on reducing the probability of attacks to the control system by persons…

Partner Insights

Could technology help prevent costly environmental incidents?

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Recently, a major mining company spilled around 40,000 cubic meters of copper sulfate acid solution into the Bacanuchi and Sonora rivers, in the Mexican state of Sonora. This spill led authorities to shut down wells in the affected areas, leading to water…

Partner Insights

Are you protected against data loss? Backup and Recovery is Your Answer

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Today’s production processes are heavily dependent on computer systems where any system downtime can result in huge production delays and cost over runs that will impact the bottom line. In case of a system crash, time is money and having…

Partner Insights

Modernizing Your Automation System with I/O on Demand

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Market studies indicate that tens of billions of dollars worth of automation systems in operation today are reaching “end of useful life” economic and functional status. Plants with these legacy systems struggle to keep pace with best-in-class competitors. Upgrading to…

Partner Insights

White Board Video: Electronic Marshalling

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
See how Emerson's I/O on Demand and Electronic Marshalling changes and simplifies designing, wiring, changing, updating and expanding a process automation project for dramatic cost reductions. Electronic Marshalling Whiteboard Video

Partner Insights

I/O Changes Happen. Change Fast with Electronic Marshalling.

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Electronic Marshalling – part of Emerson Process Management’s “I/O on Demand” was developed to focus on the areas of commissioning a process automation system that are the most complex, involve many hours of labor, or that can disrupt a project…

Partner Insights

COMOS Plant Manager Client Magazine

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
In the current edition of our COMOS Plant Manager we present high-caliber user reports from the world of process plant planning as well as the oil and gas industry. In addition, you can read in our ARC Whitepaper how well-known…

Partner Insights

Virtualization for High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Virtualization is a standard practice in many industries and is rapidly being adopted within the manufacturing community as a way to reduce costs, increase productivity, extend system life, and improve overall reliability and system performance. The main concerns that manufacturers…