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Partner Insights

ACHEMA Trend report: Fluid Flow Machinery 4.0: a two-way conversation (2/2)

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
The first part of this report dealt with pumps, increasing demands for energy efficiency and decentralized intelligence. In the second part, learn more about valves and their role in automation as well as new business models for buying compressed air…

Partner Insights

ACHEMA Trend Report: Fluid Flow Machinery 4.0: a two-way conversation (1/2)

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Stricter Ecodesign regulations come into force in 2015 Automation and networking boost productivity Distributed intelligence at the field level provides greater versatility The leading pump manufacturer only has a 9% share of the total worldwide pump market which is estimated…

Partner Insights

Computer models reduce need for real-world testing

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Accurate simulations can replace many experiments and plant field tests Multi-scale and multi-physics models bridge science and engineering Open source software continues to make inroads As engineers and scientists strive to do more with less, computer modelling has become essential…

Partner Insights

What Makes Paratherm Different? — Two Minute Video

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
How does Paratherm differ? We drew the differences in a 2-minute video — whiteboard style! And, for those of you who prefer to read, skim, study, and/or critique the written word, here is the voice-over script... "The beauty of closed-loop…

Partner Insights

Rubber Compounding and Material Handling

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Today’s rubber market is growing, for both the technical rubber and tire markets. Higher demand, changing formulations, environmental quality and safety – all require bulk material conveying systems that can meet those needs and more.  Nol-Tec Systems, with over 30…

Partner Insights

Introducing DeltaV™ Distributed Control System Version 13

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
DeltaV v13 helps users reduce capital cost and risk, improve operations performance, and provide stronger security to protect investments Further building on DeltaV™ control system’s ease of use, version 13 (v13) delivers new capabilities designed to help users improve their…

Partner Insights

Expert Help for Every Phase of the Project

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Investing up-front in comprehensive project planning can  really reduce the risks you have throughout the project. Emerson can help at every phase – from planning and design, to implementing and building, to operating and maintaining, to education and training –…

Partner Insights

Reduce Project Schedule Risks

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Underestimating task times due to insufficient, inaccurate or late data causes late change orders, rework, and multiple schedules extensions. Early collaboration with Emerson experts can put mitigating measures in place to avert these pitfalls later. Reduce Complexity with Electronic Marshalling…

Partner Insights

Achieve Operational Excellence

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
By collaborating with Emerson’s knowledgeable experts to determine the most cost effective automation solutions, you can ensure a solution that meets cost projections and long-term operational objectives. Reduce Implementation and Maintenance Costs Although virtualization is becoming standard practice in industries…