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Partner Insights

Automation (Process Controls)

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Automation solutions are available via our full service automation group.  Solutions focus on:  Electrical & Functional Safety, Engineering & Design, Training, Basic Process Control Systems, Safety Instrumented Systems and Upgrades/Modifications.  We offer comprehensive solutions that address complex industrial challenges and requirements.

Partner Insights

Direct Fired Heater

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Direct and Gas Fired Heaters are available as both convection heaters and radiant convection heaters.  Both of these heater styles can be configured in many ways depending on the business requirements.  This flexibility is highly desired as almost any style of heater can…

Partner Insights

Indirect Fired Heaters (Water Bath)

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Process Bath Heaters are available to indirectly heat liquids and gases.  The process coils of these devices are submerged into a bath solution (typically water-glycol mixtures) which are then heated by a burner located at the bottom of the heating…

Partner Insights

Electric Process Heaters

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Electric Process Heaters are available in standard and customer heater designs from 2 to 60 watts per square inch. Heater styles utilized are typically Immersion and Circulation electric heaters. These products allow for flexibility in achieving most site applications and…

Partner Insights

Biomass Energy Systems

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Biomass Energy Systems are used by industrial clients and assist in the combustion of waste materials in an efficient manner, minimizing emissions and leveraging a range of fuels. Our Biomass systems include wet fuel furnaces, secondary combustion chambers, suspension burners, and…

Partner Insights

Process Heating Systems, Automation, Services & Parts

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Sigma Thermal designs, engineers, supplies, and services process heating systems for industry. Our products include thermal oil and thermal fluid heating systems, indirect process bath heaters, electric process heaters, biomass fired energy systems, direct fired process heaters, system automation, parts, retrofits/upgrades,…

Partner Insights

Thermal Fluid Systems

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Thermal Fluid Systems include two standard types: HC-1 and HC-2. We also offer a range of customized solutions that incorporate custom engineered thermal fluid heaters along with fluid systems, parts and ongoing support. Our team of engineers can help you…

Partner Insights

Single-Use (Disposable) Systems in Biopharmaceutical Processing: Quo Vadis? (1/2)

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Single-use systems (SUS) are now used in the majority of biopharmaceutical processes involving animal cell cultures. Single-use filters, plastic storage bags, single-use mixers and single-use bioreactors for upstream processing (USP) in pre-clinical and clinical sample production are the items most…

Partner Insights

FAQs: Solutions for Minimizing Dust Explosion Risks

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Prevent Everything from Coal Dust to Sugar Dust Explosions Pneumatic conveying offers solutions that remove critical elements of the combustible dust explosion pentagon, helping ensure your facility can prevent combustible dust explosions and meet NFPA 654 standards. 1.  How do combustible…

Partner Insights

Combustible Dust – Understanding NFPA 654

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Combustible dust is a critical concern for any industry that processes and conveys dry bulk materials in their production facility. Changes in regulations have brought this issue into even greater focus. Nol-Tec Systems’ design teams are experts in developing systems hard-to-handle…