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Partner Insights

Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps in Process Operations

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Vacuum is a very widely used utility in the process industries – from pharmaceutical and chemical to food and biotechnology. While some applications require fairly deep vacuum – so-called “fine” vacuum – many other operations rely on vacuum in the…

Partner Insights


Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Convey, load, unload, weigh, feed, and process virtually any bulk solid material  Flexicon Corporation is a world leader in the design and manufacture of bulk handling equipment and custom-engineered and integrated plant-wide systems. Flexicon products range from individual equipment to…

Partner Insights

The Chemical Resistant of VACUUBRAND’s Pumps

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
For many people, one of the most important features to consider when sourcing a vacuum pump is the ability of that pump to hold up over the long term.  Pumps are exposed to a wide range of operating conditions that…

Partner Insights

Cost Savings with Process Vacuum – Part 2

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
In light of the operational concerns reviewed in Part 1, this chemical recycling firm decided to evaluate different pump technologies.  Fortunately, recent advances in vacuum pump technology make dry-running pumps a viable option for many of those currently using liquid…

Partner Insights

Cost Savings with Process Vacuum Systems – Part 1

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Summary:  A number of common industrial processes require vacuum, such as distillation or drying operations.  The necessary vacuum has historically been supplied using a variety of technologies that have high operating costs in terms of both consumables (e.g., oil, water)…

Partner Insights


Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
VACUUBRAND has specialized in vacuum pumps, gauges, and controllers for process, industrial, research, and OEM applications for over 50 years.  We have earned a loyal, global following for our dry, chemical-resistant pumps, long service intervals, and advanced controls.  Our oil-…

Partner Insights

Hear how quiet a vacuum pump can be…

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
VACUUBRAND's chemical-resistant diaphragm pumps have been designed and manufactured to exacting standards not only in order to achieve the performance our customers count on, but also to run quietly.  

Partner Insights

The value of modern two-wire technology

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Process improvements to increase yield or cut manufacturing cost typically require enhanced process control, but the installed base of measurement instrumentation on a process plant may simply be unable to facilitate it, because of age, inadequate performance or unreliability. Maintenance…

Partner Insights

Temperature profiling in hazardous environments

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
The technique of temperature profiling allows acquisition of temperature data from multiple sensors, then transmits the data to an automation system where control and monitoring software analyzes the data and takes action. This article covers the sensing devices used to…

Partner Insights

Basics of continuous level measurement

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
The most common technologies available for continuous level measurement are ultrasonic, free space radar, guided wave radar, capacitance, gamma and pressure. This white paper looks at each technology and some typical applications.