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Partner Insights

Vacuum Measurement – Pirani Gauges

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Pirani gauges are a group of indirect measuring pressure gauges which measure the thermal conductivity of the gas sample.  Pirani gauges are typically used in the fine vacuum range (1 torr - 10-3 torr), as this is the range where…

Partner Insights

Vacuum Measurement – Capacitive Gauges

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
In one of our prior posts, we talked about the key differences between direct and indirect vacuum gauges.  One of the most common direct gauge technologies is the capacitive gauge.  This post will review how these gauges are constructed and…

Partner Insights

Significance of Flash Fire Points

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
FLASH AND FIRE POINTS IN HEAT TRANSFER FLUIDS Download as a PDF file FLASH POINT DEFINED A “flashpoint” is the temperature at which a fluid generates enough vapor to be ignited (“flash”). There are two common test methods: Open Cup (ASTM D92) and Closed…

Partner Insights

Vacuum Measurement Made Easy

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Finding a vacuum gauge for monitoring chemical processes can be a challenge.  There are few gauges that simultaneously cover the appropriate vacuum range with sufficient accuracy and have the ability to cope with regular exposure to aggressive chemicals.  VACUUBRAND's VACUU·VIEW™…

Partner Insights

Vacuum Measurement – Direct & Indirect Gauges

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Because vacuum technology spans 15 orders of magnitude (103 mbar - 10-12 mbar, or 760 torr - 10-12 torr), there is no single vacuum gauge that can cover the full range.   Consequently, a number of different gauge technologies have…

Partner Insights

Preventing Fires in Thermal Oil Heat Transfer Systems

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
PREVENTING FIRES IN THERMAL OIL HEAT TRANSFER SYSTEMS  PDF DOWNLOAD AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Thermal fluids have proven exceptionally safe in a wide range of industries. However, it is difficult to completely prevent fires in these systems because the necessary…

Partner Insights

Vacuum Pump Sizing – Estimating Flow Rate

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
In our last post, we talked about our pump selection guide as one tool that we've made available to identify the right vacuum pump for your needs.  This is a great tool to use to quickly narrow down your options, especially…

Partner Insights

Vacuum Pump Sizing – Selection Guide

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Another question that we often hear from our customers is, what pump do I need?  The right answer depends upon a variety of factors - such as the nature of the process or application, the working pressure and/or flow rate…

Partner Insights

Vacuum Unit Conversion

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
One of the most common issues we help customers with is how to measure units and communicate that information to others.  While this might sound simple, there are a multitude of units used to measure pressure.  The potential for confusion…

Partner Insights

Try before you buy for pneumatic conveying

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
No matter what type of pneumatic conveying systems or material handling conveyors you’re considering for your plant, the best way to ensure future production efficiencies and maximum profits is through comprehensive and verifiable testing. Nol-Tec Systems offers in-house testing for…