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Partner Insights

Noise Calculator

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Sound levels in a plant or in a lab are often high enough to be distracting, and sometimes they are high enough to create health and safety concerns for workers in the immediate area. We've published a noise level calculator…

Partner Insights

Local Vacuum Networks – the Reliable Alternative to Central Systems

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
In addition to VACUUBRAND's pumps, gauges, and controls, our VACUU·LAN® local vacuum networks are a lab-by-lab alternative to central vacuum systems.  VACUU·LAN networks provide deep, stable vacuum in new labs and in renovation projects.  Built on VACUUBRAND's durable, chemical-resistant diaphragm…

Partner Insights

Alfa Laval Tank Cleaning Overview

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
The tank cleaning team for Alfa Laval works hard to enable manufacturing companies around the world save time, money, and water.

Partner Insights

Cleaning Totes and IBCs

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Clean your totes, IBCs and bulk containers in 2 minutes! Save time, save water, save money.

Partner Insights

How it Works: Rotary jet head tank cleaning machines

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
How it works: Alfa Laval Gamajet and Toftejorg rotary impingement tank cleaning devices utilize high impact cleaning jets to quickly and effectively clean the most challenging tanks.

Partner Insights

Respirable Crystalline Silica – Nol-Tec Offers Compliance Solution

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Early in 2016, OSHA (the Occupational Health and Safety Administration) announced its “final rule” regarding respirable crystalline silica. This rule has been under consideration since 2013. The final ruling reduces the permissible exposure limit (or PEL) for workers in businesses…

Partner Insights

Fine Vacuum Control

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Many important research and industrial processes require vacuum in what is referred to as the "fine vacuum" range, which is between 0.1 and 0.001 Torr. In a prior post, we talked about the fact that the Pirani style gauge is…

Partner Insights

Vacuum Pump Sizing – Evacuating a Chamber

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
We've previously talked about some of the tools we've made available to help select the right vacuum pump for your work.  Our pump selection guide is a great choice if you have a strong sense of your operating parameters.  And for drying…

Partner Insights

Advanced Vacuum Control

Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
Our most recent post addressed the benefits of proportional-only vacuum process control. Though this approach is well suited to many processes, in some cases more accurate (or precise) control of the pressure level is necessary.  Under such circumstances, employing PI…

Partner Insights


Sponsored by Chemical Engineering
    We are officially settled into our new headquarters building located at 2009 Renaissance Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA. We briefly touched on the move in our end of year blog posted Dec. 30th and are excited to report…