DeltaV v13 helps users reduce capital cost and risk, improve operations performance, and provide stronger security to protect investments
Further building on DeltaV™ control system’s ease of use, version 13 (v13) delivers new capabilities designed to help users improve their plant’s efficiency and performance. Built by the experts, v13 minimizes the need for specialized expertise so that users can engineer and operate in an environment that is easy to use and understand.
Improve Operation Performance with DeltaV Alarm Mosaic and Advanced Alarm Management Advanced alarm management assists operators during alarm floods, with a smarter alarm display designed to reduce stress. New alarm suppression options provide operators improved ability to manage temporary nuisance alarms.
Integrate Faster and More Easily The new Ethernet I/O Card (EIOC) reduces footprint up to 85% compared to the VIM2 card. The EIOC supports three protocols: Modbus TCP/IP, Ethernet IP, and IEC 61850Manufacturing Message Specifications (MMS), which allows connectivity with PLCs, smart devices, smart motor control centers, and smart substations.
Increase Security Across the System DeltaV version 13 has new and enhanced security features that help with security audits, enable the Microsoft® Windows® firewall, and integrate the Emerson SmartFirewall into DeltaV.