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Higher throughput and purity in sodium bicarbonate production with up to 15% less energy consumption

| By Chemical Engineering

The market for refined sodium bicarbonate, soda ash and similar products is steadily expanding, forcing many producers to increase throughput and purity at the same time. This is exactly the type of challenge the ANDRITZ specialists have the expertise to master. We have, for example, supplied dewatering and drying equipment to one of the world’s largest production lines for sodium bicarbonate, achieving both the highest levels of purity and the highest capacity – up to 100,000 tons per year.

Nearly 100 years of expertise – involved from the beginning

Starting with the first centrifuge shipped to a soda ash producer in 1928, we have been deeply involved in the industry from the very beginning. Since then, we have broadened our capabilities and installed more than one hundred solutions for all of the world’s largest soda ash producers. In fact, the engineers of one of the largest soda ash plants ever built just recently chose ANDRITZ dewatering and drying equipment for their complete plant.

The expertise of ANDRITZ is unmatched, as we have supplied all major separation equipment to the world’s largest soda ash producers, as well as to producers of dense ash, crude and refined bicarbonate, ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, carbonate sludge, sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, and other crystalline products.

One efficient solution for both medical-grade and large scale industrial bicarbonate production

As a technology leader in the development of efficient drying processes for bulk solids, ANDRITZ was one of the first companies to introduce fluid bed technology with internal heat exchangers for numerous applications in the chemical industry.

ANDRITZ Fluid bed dryer for chemicals

One of the latest success stories of one of these fluid bed dryers is the world’s largest production unit for sodium bicarbonate with a capacity of 100,000 tons per year. Using a specially developed fluid bed dryer with in-bed heat exchangers, it dries and cools with just one-third of the footprint and 15% less energy consumption compared to conventional technologies. Best of all, the technology’s carbon dioxide drying atmosphere prevents thermal degradation to achieve the highest levels of purity. Learn more about this project here

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ANDRITZ has supplied dewatering and drying equipment to one of the world’s largest production lines for sodium bicarbonate, achieving both the highest levels of purity and the highest capacity – up to 100,000 tons per year. Read more about this success story. READ MORE

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