Kemira Oyj (Helsinki, Finland) and Royal HaskoningDHV have agreed to…
Busch Vakuumteknik AB, a business of The Busch Group, has…
The ECO 500 (photo) is a high-performance melt filter for…
Röhm (Darmstadt, Germany) announced that it has commissioned a production…
It has long been known, from advanced monitoring and modeling,…
AkzoNobel N.V. (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) is investing €32 million in…
As various rotating machinery throughout fiber-processing operations experience extremely harsh…
Saipem S.p.A. (San Donato Milanese, Italy) and Clough, the Australian…
Plant Watch Trinseo inaugurates new PC dissolution pilot facility in…
Koch Modular Process Systems has announced its collaboration with PPL…