Thermal Care
This company recently updated the Accuchiller NQ series of portable and packaged chillers (photo) to include a new control system and cabinetry design. The chillers now come standard with an advanced control system with ModBus RTU and a 7-in. color touchscreen. This robust control system provides extensive diagnostic capabilities with a wide range of communication options, including Modbus, BACnet and LonWorks. Screen layouts are improved to simplify data searching. Pressure sensors are now also included as part of the control-system package. The NQ Series control-panel cabinetry is also redesigned to include an ergonomic sloped top for easy viewing and access. NQ Series chillers are available in capacities ranging from 4 to 40 tons in air-cooled, water-cooled and remote-condenser models for indoor and outdoor applications. — Thermal Care, Inc., Niles, Ill.