AVT Reliability
Machine Sentry MSO1 (photo) is a low-cost, high-speed online condition-based-monitoring (CBM) system offering realtime management of safety- and business-critical assets ranging from standard rotating equipment to advanced turbomachinery, such as power generators. The device captures critical vibration data to be stored in the Machine Sentry database, where the data can be integrated with data from other CBM techniques. The detailed CBM data can be securely accessed from anywhere in the world via a standard web browser, allowing continuous monitoring, asset management, failure detection and troubleshooting for rotating machinery. Its small size, low power consumption, Ethernet/WiFi/4G optional web connectivity, email alarm notification and high storage capability make the system easy to install, operate and maintain. Machine Sentry MSO-1 can be integrated with the Machine Sentry platform or other digital control systems, or used as a standalone platform. — AVT Reliability Ltd., Warrington, U.K.