Gardner Denver Petroleum & Industrial Pumps
The new Thunder 5,000 hp Quintuplex pump (photo) is designed for duel-fuel gas engines, electric motors, diesel engines and gas-turbine direct drives. With stainless-steel construction and innovative geometry designed to minimize stress, the Thunder 5,000 hp Quintuplex pump features a range of next-generation fluid-end technologies. The pump’s 11-in. stroke length meets or exceeds the pressure and flow output of high rod load/short stroke (8 in.) pumps, and can increase consumable life by 37%, says the company. The Thunder 5,000 hp Quintuplex pump is offered in combination with Redline Packing. This is the critical seal system in the heart of the pump, which substantially improves performance in harsh conditions, extends maintenance intervals, reduces downtime and ultimately increases profit margins for users, says the company. — Gardner Denver Petroleum & Industrial Pumps, Houston