The CalMaster 2 Suite of electromagnetic flowmeter test instruments for water and wastewater markets comprises two standalone electronic test instruments: the CalMaster 2 (photo) verification tool and the CheckMaster validation tool. Eligible meters for testing include the MagMaster and AquaMaster flowmeters as well as AquaProbe insertion flowmeters, whether a.c. outlet or battery powered. The CalMaster 2 tool verifies calibration to within ±1% while the magmeter remains in operation. It compares test parameters to the meter’s original "fingerprint," first determined at the factory. The 15-min test covers the primary sensor, transmitter, and connected shielded cable, offering traceability to NIST calibration with a printed certificate. With no available fingerprint, the unit checks meter calibration to within ±2% accuracy. — ABB, Warminster, Penn.
New in-place field test instruments check magmeter performance
| By Chemical Engineering