Three years after its initial launch, the Monsun magnetically coupled pump (photo) that was on display at Achema 2009 has new features. For example, the rotor is designed completely without static seals, thereby reducing the static seals from four to two within the pump. There are two defined slide bearings made of silicon carbide. If the pump is operated in a critical situation, such as intermittent flow, an emergency reservoir takes over the lubrication of one of the SiC slide bearings. A rise in temperature is directly detected with a central, chemical-resistant sensor instead of indirect methods used to protect the pump, such as magnetic-field distortion, power consumption or vibration. The temperature rise can be analyzed by a low-cost unit, which is installed beside the pump, and can safely shut down the pump when the temperature limit is reached. — Wernert-Pumpen GmbH, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany