Aspen Technology
AspenONE V12, the newest release of the leading asset-optimization software platform, embeds artificial intelligence (AI) across the portfolio, and uses the cloud for delivery of enterprise-wide analytics and insights for increased safety, sustainability, and improved margins. AspenONE’s Hybrid Models bring together the company’s process models and machine-learning capabilities to move forward advancement in process engineering and plant improvement. AspenONE V12 solutions feature what is said to be the first industrial-AI hybrid-model capability that is purpose-built for the process industries and other capital-intensive industries. These models capture data from assets across the enterprise, and then apply AI, engineering first principles and AspenTech’s domain expertise to deliver comprehensive, more accurate models at enterprise speed and scale. Furthermore, the release enables users to apply AI to critical processes without additional data science expertise and offers support for new users without deep process knowledge or experience. New features of aspenONE V12 include: Maestro (photo), a new capability for Aspen mTell that automates the development of models faster by guiding a less experienced user on how to build a particular model or agent; Deep-Learning IQ, which enables the building of more accurate models and predictions; Event Analytics, which provides rapid insight into production events; Cloud Connect, which provides flexible connectivity with high performance and security to transfer data from edge to cloud; Capital Cost Estimator Insights (ACCE), which provides visualization and collaborative workflow within a hybrid cloud environment; and much more. — Aspen Technology, Inc., Bedford, Mass.