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Morrison Knudsen awarded $1.2-billion construction and engineering contract

| By Gerald Ondrey

The Indonesian Infrastructure Partnership has awarded Morrison Knudsen (Los Angeles, Calif.; a $1.2 billion contract in Kalimantan, Indonesia. The contract is for the engineering and construction of a new harbor and load out facilities for the country’s expanding pulp-and-paper industry. Included in the work is the construction of a 600-acre load-out/storage yard, 35 miles of new resource roads, 12 stationary dock cranes and a standalone power station to sustain the new harbor.

The project is a vote of confidence for the aggressively expanding pulp industry in Indonesia. After its completion it will increase the country’s pulp and paper export capacity by 7%. Additionally it will open up close to 1,200 square miles of country for further development in the mining and energy industries. The company anticipates hiring 1,200 Indonesians for the three-year project.