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Momentive commissions expansions for silicone rubber and coatings in Thailand

| By Mary Page Bailey

Momentive Performance Materials Inc. (Waterford, N.Y.; has commissioned two new expansions at its Rayong, Thailand manufacturing facility to serve the growing Asian market demand for specialty chemicals. Commissioning took place as part of part of the 10th anniversary celebration of the Rayong operations.

Momentive commissioned new liquid silicone rubber (LSR) production in Rayong that will serve customers throughout Asia in the automotive, aerospace, energy, healthcare and consumer products industries. End products for LSR range from high-voltage insulators and fuel system valves to medical masks and mobile phones and portable electronics. Momentive’s Rayong operations are already an important production site for a number of the company’s silicone and sealant product lines.

The new capabilities include full automation, state-of-the-art process controls and a new clean room. In addition to the LSR production, Momentive has also commissioned new release coating production capabilities in Rayong. Momentive silicone-based release coatings are applied to paper or film to produce liners that help protect the adhesive on tapes and labels prior to application.