A mobile app to access on-demand fan information

The New York Blower Co.
This fan and blower manufacturer has introduced a mobile app (photo) to help users find information about their fans and order replacement parts. Using the app, users can access fan information on-demand, calculate changes in operating conditions and connect with their local sales representative from a mobile device. Those who have ordered fans since January 2000 can use the app’s search function to quickly collect information specific to a fan with a shop or fan serial number, without returning to a computer or calling a sales representative. The app houses product manuals, specifications, model information, product drawings, curves, wheel type, impeller type, original operating conditions and more. Engineers and operations managers can save previous searches and label fans according to an application or the fan’s location for future reference, storing all this company’s fan information in one place. — The New York Blower Co., Willowbrook, Ill.